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About Me

My Work

Compositionally my work is about color, light and that which can be remarkable when given permission, from the macro to the micro. My subject matter is as vast and contradictory as people, but focuses on the power that places, settings, and objects wield over human existence. There is definitely a nostalgic voice that guides me with a touch of my inner child, but I try to steer away from overtly sentimental imagery and aim for the multiple points between euphoria and despair.


Whit Bishop currently lives and works in Hot Springs, Arkansas. She honed her creative eye and piqued her visual hunger while living in Rome, Italy for 9 years and later Philadelphia.

Photography took a hold of her in small town Texas where she learned to photograph, process, print, and ruffle the feathers of institutional authority. She worked immediately after leaving school at a fine art black and white printing lab until the world went digital. 

She worked at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth for 8 years, and eventually obtained a BA in Letters, Arts & Sciences from Penn State University whilst moving around in vagabond ways.

In addition to photography, Whit is immersed in many artistic and creative endeavors. She writes, designs, makes music, collects vintage objects and clothing, and dreams much bigger than her britches.

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